Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Happy Holidays

Yes, happy holidays but...this is almost a horror story. You see...
my masters left me at home -- ALONE! 
On Christmas Day! 
Some sort of cross-wires or something.  
The human race, they  frequently misunderstand or misinterpret. That rarely happens with my nation! 
My nation uses superior communication skills.
(Think about it.) 
 Thank the canine gods, grampa saved the day.....he and my bonus master came and got me. 
Rescued me from boredom.

I got right to work keeping everyone entertained at the party, because they all wanted to see me. 
I didn't get a rest all day. Bed time couldn't come fast enough...whew!

Friday, December 16, 2011


So you know....it rained for days. I was SICK of rain. I got to come to the grams for a respite. Fine. 
Then the sun came out and gramps took me for a walk at the park. 

Geeze...I played ball till I wanted to drop. So...I dropped into the nearest puddle. 
Oh my -- heavenly mud. You gotta love it.
"Hate rain, love puddles."
That's my motto.

No problemo....I totally get it...walk home, jump into the tub. 
Grammie says......"I have NEVER seen so much mud!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Busy Work

I've been pretty busy. I had a modeling assignment. My masters got  a new camera. I had to pose and pose so they could get the settings correct. I mean really....I look good with any old camera.

This gets pretty broing.

Eventually....I have to protest.

Now this is my idea of a picture.

Oh I took this one. My masters are celebrating their 2nd anniversary. I have no idea what that is. 
But I like those smiles.