Monday, July 11, 2011

A Good Dog

Yeah, that's me. I hear it a lot. I am a good dog. I do not know what else I could be. I believe the masters use some sort of psychology on me, whatever that  means.
This is how I feel about the beach!

I take my favorite toys for rest time.
There seems to be a glitch in getting all my beach pictures. As soon as I can get my paws on them, I'll post some more. Of course you've already noticed my summer hair style. 

Meanwhile back home and at the grams, I practice my yoga moves while I look in my toy box.

I'm going to self-disclose a bit today.  I have a little issue. They call me "Monk". I have no idea what that is about. But you see here my FAVORITE little ball. OMG it just fits my mouth, it squeaks and sort of talks for me while I gently chew on it. Yum. order to really enjoy my dinner, I need my ball. OK so this is the ritual: you nibble, crunch...then touch the ball. Again: nibble, crunch, swallow... touch or gently squeeze the ball. (Repeat, repeat, repeat.) Yes this is a MUST do. I eat most all my meals in this very pleasing manner.

Try it's very gratifying. 
Or you can use a napkin,
 like my masters do.


sewnews said...

Great Pics Ella. I hve the red paw ball also. Very much one of my favorites. I can even get the big wiggly ball in most of my mouth and bark at the same time. The Folks marvel at me. Hey I am woman I shall roar.

I must say I don't hear the words "Good Dog" too much anymoe.


quilteddogs said...

Are you sure this is a springer? How can a springer eat like that? My springers have toys in their bowls in order to help them slow down. Oh well, guess it really shows how each of them is a unique individual.