Friday, June 15, 2012

Summer Boot Camp

My masters took some blurry pictures. I do move pretty fast - so it's understandable. I was in training for my camp experience.

  Grammie Camp

So far this is my schedule at camp:

6:00 am  - stretching then a good all over massage and scratch from grammie
6:15  am - out to the front yard, I walk the parameter to check for danger or intruders
6:30 am  - first cookie bone (I have my meds first)
6:40 am - check on grandpa, a good pounce in case he is sleeping too well
7:00 am - I'm all leashed up (silly) and to the park we go
                  I get to run free if none of my kind is there to interfere
7:30 am - back home this varies according to found balls, wet grass or friendly humans
7:45 am - check our back yard for any silly upside down turtles and feed them
8:00 am - second cookie bone
8:15 am - back to bed or nap on the tile 

(A lot of busy work goes on the rest of the day, playing ball, hunting for balls, watching out the windows.
 I have special bark tones for the UPS or FedEx guys!)

3:30 pm - TIME TO SWIM.... yes, I can surely tell time ...swim, dive, toss ball
                 (I'm a bit OCD they say)

4:15 pm - final cookie bone

(After that it's dinner, watch some tv, possibly face-time with my masters,
a little toss or tug with my toys and soon, off to bed)

1 comment:

sewnews said...

Whew Ella - you wear me out... I have a full day too. Lots of checking perimeter in day also - Snacking (ie cookie bones) and napping. Yes, we know how to tell time. I have to remind Dad every day at 2 that it is time for fruit - apple, banana or such. And at 4:30 for dinner. You would think by now he could tell time and I would not have to remind him. Such a drag.... Have a great day at camp TTFN JAZ