Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What Happened?

Is nobody taking my picture or what?  Excuse me....I have no new photos.
 Oh well....I'm busy.

You might like to know, I still have Valley Fever but I don't show it. And my values are very low.
I know that from listening to my masters talking to my doctor. I love my doc.

I'm still sharing myself between my two homes. And swimming weather is here again....and I KNOW exactly what time to remind Grammie to go to Ed's house. That's kinda my third home...although inside there are a couple of very furry, stuck up creatures who do NOT know how to play.

Oh, I got a new blanket....nice and soft!

And one day for absolutely no reason, I got this fantastic treat.
 I have not had one of these ever, that I can recall.
Very strange indeed.
I only got one end off. The rest was saved for later. 


quilteddogs said...

Cute. I can't beleive she has never had a rawhide.

sewnews said...

Oh Ella, Nice blanket I am not allowed those bones, but it looks good.

My mom was suppose to post pics of my the bling on my new collar and the new summer cover for my pillow place ... but she went out of town instead. sume priorities she has. They should be up soon