Friday, August 19, 2011

An Incident

So you remember what a good dog I am, right?  They say it's a slippery slope (although I actually have no idea what that means.) 
Evidently I just went down it.

It happened like this:  the masters went off for a few hours. I was bored. The pantry was just a tad open. Some fairly new human treats were on a low shelf. Oh wow, dark chocolate chips, although I prefer milk chocolate. (I know because I tasted an Easter bunny ear once.)  

Long story made short: masters came home, evidence was all shredded in the floor. I got sick, sick, sick threw up all over.  For some reason they liked and encouraged me to heave.  Go figure. Really, my insides were outside of me that night.  I swear they tried to water-board me! They poured water down me like crazy. Some water stayed in -- some came out.

They say my ah, poop ('scuse me, if I offend) was rather chocolaty fragrant!  I dunno, I was too sick to care. Next day I was pretty much dog-tired. They didn't tell my grams for two days.(I wanted to phone them but that doggie relay service was closed.)

A strange thing my masters kept talking to Mr Google on the laptop while I was so bad off. I mean, really, what the heck does he know about me?

As for's hot so I am resting up for my afternoon swim over at Ed's.


sewnews said...

OMG Ella! haven't you heard BIG no no on the chocolate. I found out the hard way. Mom was pouring salt in my throat and saying I must have a cast iron stomach or something like that. Wow you are so lucky you are well now. Hope you are much better. Take care and watch that pantry stuff after this.


quilteddogs said...

Oh the poor little sweetie. Hope she is on the mend.