Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Sad News

 Today we lost a friend from my nation of English Springer Spaniels.

Jazmine was a really good looking ESS! She had a wonderful human family. They gave her a fantastic doggie life. She loved camping and her toys.

  She really loved snack time!

 Of course Jaz was English but she was fluent in Spanish.  

You'll be remembered girl friend.
Submitted by, Ella Mae

On a happier day this is my Grammie with my dear friend, Lynn,  Jaz' mom,.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Various Recovery Indignities

One day I had to soak my foot. Can you believe that?  Much more to will be shocked I am just now coming out of a drug induced fog. Egad!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Recovery is a Bummer

I'm trying to rest up since my injury.

I'm not allowed to be rowdy but my toys stay close.

And the vet told me to keep my foot elevated.


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Many Wags for your Sympathy

Thank you humans and canines...your kind messages are helping me. I am doing OK but way slowed down.
(Slow is not my style at all.)  More pictures will be posted soon.

Meantime Baxter, who has recently had some problems of his own, sent me regards. His dislocated hip is now all better. He is out of his sling.  He has some vision challenges and I think he needs his all-fours
I don't think a thing is wrong with his sister Zoe. I suppose she's taken to bed in sympathy for us. 
(Typical Princess behavior!)

Kind regards, Ella Mae 

Saturday, December 1, 2012


A long story.....but here I am  at the doctor's office, on a perfectly nice Saturday. In fact I had to go to ER because my regular doc is not on duty today. And they are too booked up for me? Huh?

Here's what happened: Thursday night I did some fancy running and skidding to welcome Jaz's mother to Grammie's  house.  Somehow in my exuberance I slipped and tore a nail off. Just raw stuff showing.Ouch!

OMG - Grammie and Lynn took such good care of me! I lounged on a blanket for about 2-hours. Ate my dinner right there! No kidding. (They never offered me a cocktail...duh! I actually could have used a GT)

Admittedly, I was in pain, big time. But I got home last night by way of  the Board Meeting at Carumbas.  Uncle Eddie held me the whole way over. I felt better real quick.  Grampa came out to the car to tend to me two or three times. I did not get to run around  the parking  lot and chase those wild cats like I normally do
  - oh well.
BTW Doc says my nail will grow back. And  I have some fairly nice drugs if needed. There is some talk of dental cleaning and lump removal this week. What the heck?   Ella

Monday, November 26, 2012

Friends of all Types

So some of these friends you've never heard of....well heck, some of them I never met.
However my grammie says they are sort of my friends
That's because she knows them and I bet she pets them.
They probably got a whiff of me!  (Ya think?)
Daisy is one of those posing dogs!
She's a book club member.
Zoe who is "adorable", so grammie says.
Another literary canine.
Martini got into grammie's yoga bag!
Good grief!
Stoney Laroux lives in Texas. Yahoo!

GiGi lives in Texas too. A diva!

 Thought you might want to see me.
New cut - old style.


Monday, November 5, 2012

You Gotta See This!

My friend sent me this excellent movie. These guys are all from my nation
 You gotta love it!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Swimming Season?

Grammie says swimming season is over.
 I don't understand, the water is still there!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My Friend Makes the News (sorta)

A good friend of  mine, well practically  a relative actually, just got a real nice write up in the Villa La Paws September Newsletter. That's a pretty fancy doggie day-care spa I think. (I have no experience.)

I hope this doesn't go to her head!  That quote about being "her same delightful self", seriously? I personally been the victim of some of her prissy girl growling and  barking. (She doesn't play ball with me either!!) 

Evidently my grams knew Snowball as a baby and she's come over to visit.

Whatever,  I wish her well. I am sad that she was so depressed for a while. 
(I recommended a martini but no one got the message.)

  Ella Mae

Snowball's Chance in Phoenix!
Snowball Zannis, That Is!
Adorable Maltese Snowball and her owner, Doreen Zannis, have been grooming customers of Villa La Paws since the Ruff Life days. Snowball is now 13 years old and has always had a furry sibling and human siblings around her. Sadly, her furry sibling, Sammy, passed away last year. This major event was followed quickly by the last of her human siblings leaving the nest and going to college.

Snowball’s behavior deteriorated shortly after these events. After years of being completely housebroken and having a doggy door available at all times, she started pooping in the house. She started getting into the trash when left alone. She would go outside and lay down where Sammy always rested; when Doreen called her in, Snowball ignored her and refused to budge. In Doreen's words, “she lost her spark and no longer acted like herself”.

Snowball was checked out by her veterinarian and received a clean bill of health. After looking at all the possible causes for the behavior changes, Doreen came to the conclusion that Snowball was missing her companions, and she “either needed a better family or we had to be better dog owners”

Doreen felt doggie daycare could possibly replace the “pack” that Snowball was lacking.
After attending Villa La Paws on Bell two days a week for the past year, Doreen marvels that Snowball is "back to her same, delightful self!” 

Snowball is not an active player, but her role as observer satisfies her need to be part of the “pack”. “I didn’t want to start all over with another dog, so I’m happy I had the option of choosing doggy daycare for Snowball!” Doreen says.
The PAWS staff is also happy that Doreen chose to try daycare for sweet little Snowball! And that it made such a difference!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Saturday, July 14, 2012

My Friend Fia

This is one of my first play dates with Fia. 
My masters love taking movies of me.
I'll post more soon.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Summer Boot Camp

My masters took some blurry pictures. I do move pretty fast - so it's understandable. I was in training for my camp experience.

  Grammie Camp

So far this is my schedule at camp:

6:00 am  - stretching then a good all over massage and scratch from grammie
6:15  am - out to the front yard, I walk the parameter to check for danger or intruders
6:30 am  - first cookie bone (I have my meds first)
6:40 am - check on grandpa, a good pounce in case he is sleeping too well
7:00 am - I'm all leashed up (silly) and to the park we go
                  I get to run free if none of my kind is there to interfere
7:30 am - back home this varies according to found balls, wet grass or friendly humans
7:45 am - check our back yard for any silly upside down turtles and feed them
8:00 am - second cookie bone
8:15 am - back to bed or nap on the tile 

(A lot of busy work goes on the rest of the day, playing ball, hunting for balls, watching out the windows.
 I have special bark tones for the UPS or FedEx guys!)

3:30 pm - TIME TO SWIM.... yes, I can surely tell time ...swim, dive, toss ball
                 (I'm a bit OCD they say)

4:15 pm - final cookie bone

(After that it's dinner, watch some tv, possibly face-time with my masters,
a little toss or tug with my toys and soon, off to bed)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Ella's Holiday Weekend

  Just trying to get a little more shut-eye.

All is well, I finally woke up to  play ball.
Perfect day,at home with my masters.
Tomorrow we will cook out with the grams.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What Happened?

Is nobody taking my picture or what?  Excuse me....I have no new photos.
 Oh well....I'm busy.

You might like to know, I still have Valley Fever but I don't show it. And my values are very low.
I know that from listening to my masters talking to my doctor. I love my doc.

I'm still sharing myself between my two homes. And swimming weather is here again....and I KNOW exactly what time to remind Grammie to go to Ed's house. That's kinda my third home...although inside there are a couple of very furry, stuck up creatures who do NOT know how to play.

Oh, I got a new blanket....nice and soft!

And one day for absolutely no reason, I got this fantastic treat.
 I have not had one of these ever, that I can recall.
Very strange indeed.
I only got one end off. The rest was saved for later. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Success Story

Meet Maddy.....she is a very lucky rescue dog. My grammie is friends with her new family. 
Just click and scroll to read her story.

Wags for Maddy,

Ella Mae

Thursday, March 1, 2012

I have no idea why grammie keeps taking my picture. She knows  what I look like. Maybe it's my new ball she wants to see. I'm liking this ball a lot.

My masters have been down Argentine way, they say. A very long time a-w-a-y. I was very busy with the grams, no problem. Until I see my masters again -- I sort of forgot I missed them.

Now I am back home with them, I am paying attention to some new smells  - I hope soon to see pictures of my kind who live way south. Spanish Spaniels?

Monday, February 6, 2012

Boo Boo

  I stayed with the grams a few days. I got a sprang in my right front leg. 
Oh, that grammie, she tied an ice pack on me. Very interesting - my first experience! 

You might be interested to see my second favorite toy in case  you ever want to buy me a gift. 
My favorite ball is smashed right now.
I'm sure I'll get another one, maybe for Valentine's Day. (I hope, I hope)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Something Borrowed

Oh, I did friend Frannie left her hat at my house. 
Actually, it looks pretty swell on me!

Frannie looks pretty good in it too.
Oh Happy New Year....I'm still lovin' Christmas!

Monday, January 9, 2012

First Field Trip 2012

 Folks, the Peoria City Complex has added some awesome features. 
 Behind me an amphitheater - a great place!

 Then..the new field, fantastic grass and open for running!
 OMG - I found a puddle - awesome!
 Ahhh...this is worth a close look....please enlarge by clicking.
 Can I explain how fun this is? have to experience it yourself.
Uh, oh....Grammie doesn't seem to understand my joy. There is a another chapter to this perfect field trip. 
I'll get back to you!